201 research outputs found

    Települések közötti kistérségi közlekedési kapcsolatok javítását célzó programok többkritériumos értékelése az útállapotok és a bizonytalanság figyelembevételével

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    The condition of transport connections among settlements is deteriorating while rehabilitation resources are constrained therefore their efficient use is important. The author describes a new method for taking into account the road condition dependent travel time within the decision preparing assessment of alternatives for rehabilitation of transport network connections. Fuzzy variables have provided a useful description of uncertainty in characterising the road condition quality. A recommended term, modified traffic based on daily personal trips is suitable for qualification of passenger transport connections among settlements. A complex index of transportation demand is applicable for characterising social effects in the frame of evaluation of micro-regional connections among settlements. A new and efficient multi-criteria assessment and resource allocation method is suitable for assessment of programs aiming enhancement of micro-regional transport connections among settlements, combining existing methods, taking into account of the changing demand of the national economy and constrained resources, applying fuzzy variables for handling of uncertainty affecting the evaluation of financial and non-financial characteristics

    Navigable networks as Nash equilibria of navigation games

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    Common sense suggests that networks are not random mazes of purposeless connections, but that these connections are organized so that networks can perform their functions well. One function common to many networks is targeted transport or navigation. Here, using game theory, we show that minimalistic networks designed to maximize the navigation efficiency at minimal cost share basic structural properties with real networks. These idealistic networks are Nash equilibria of a network construction game whose purpose is to find an optimal trade-off between the network cost and navigability. We show that these skeletons are present in the Internet, metabolic, English word, US airport, Hungarian road networks, and in a structural network of the human brain. The knowledge of these skeletons allows one to identify the minimal number of edges, by altering which one can efficiently improve or paralyse navigation in the network

    Greedy Navigational Cores in the Human Brain

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    Greedy navigation/routing plays an important role in geometric routing of networks because of its locality and simplicity. This can operate in geometrically embedded networks in a distributed manner, distances are calculated based on coordinates of network nodes for choosing the next hop in the routing. Based only on node coordinates in any metric space, the Greedy Navigational Core (GNC) can be identified as the minimum set of links between these nodes which provides 100% greedy navigability. In this paper we perform results on structural greedy navigability as the level of presence of Greedy Navigational Cores in structural networks of the Human Brain

    Az Amarna-kor Eliade vallástörténeti munkájában

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    Tisztelgés Magyar László emlékművénél

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    Az indiánkérdés az 1920-as évek irodalmában és Mariátegui marxista koncepciója

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    SDN based testbeds for evaluating and promoting multipath TCP

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    Multipath TCP is an experimental transport proto- col with remarkable recent past and non-negligible future poten- tial. It has been standardized recently, however the evaluation studies focus only on a limited set of isolated use-cases and a comprehensive analysis or a feasible path of Internet-wide adoption is still missing. This is mostly because in the current networking practice it is unusual to configure multiple paths between the endpoints of a connection. Therefore, conducting and precisely controlling multipath experiments over the real “inter- net” is a challenging task for some experimenters and impossible for others. In this paper, we invoke SDN technology to make this control possible and exploit large-scale internet testbeds to conduct end-to-end MPTCP experiments. More specifically, we establish a special purpose control and measurement framework on top of two distinct internet testbeds. First, using the OpenFlow support of GÉANT, we build a testbed enabling measurements with real traffic. Second, we design and establish a publicly available large-scale multipath capable measurement framework on top of PlanetLab Europe and show the challenges of such a system. Furthermore, we present measurements results with MPTCP in both testbeds to get insight into its behavior in such not well explored environment